#1 MR.RAZOR Intro
Dragi prijatelji MR. RAZOR-a,
iznimno mi je zadovoljstvo s Vama podijeliti jednu važnu novost. Vaš prijatelj, Mr. Razor odlučio je pokrenuti prvi blog o barberingu ne samo u Hrvatskoj, već i u jugoistočnoj Europi (barem JA mislim da je prvi J).
Pozivam Vas da mi se pridružite na ovome putovanju i uronite u čudesan svijet barberinga. No, možete se zapitati „MR. RAZOR, što nam nudiš na tome putovanju? Zašto bismo ti se pridružili?“
Dragi prijatelji, odgovor je vrlo jednostavan: očekujte neočekivano! To je najkraći, najjasniji i najprecizniji odgovor. MR. RAZOR sinonim je za vrhunskog barbera, ne samo u Zadru ili Dalmaciji, već i šire te ću Vam na ovom blogu pokušati približiti svoj svijet.
Još uvijek Vas nisam uspio uvjeriti da mi se pridružite i budete dio povijesti? U tom slučaju, ne preostaje mi ništa drugo nego da Vam šapnem djelić onoga što ćete moći vidjeti na mom blogu: savjete i edukativna videa o njezi kose i brade; priče o povijesti barberinga; priče Vašeg prijatelja MR. RAZOR-a i još mnogo toga što Vam sada ne mogu otkriti.
Karte za ovo putovanje su besplatne i jednostavno je doći do njih. Klikom na LINK ostavite Vaše podatke, a ja ću Vam se povratno javiti o detaljima na Vašu mail adresu.
Željno iščekujem sve Vaše komentare i prijedloge, a vrijeme polijetanja ću otkriti uskoro.
Vaš prijatelj,
Dear MR. RAZOR’s friends,
it is my greatest pleasure to share some important news with you. Your friend Mr. Razor has decided to start the first barbering blog not only in Croatia, but in Southeast Europe (at least I think it is the first J).
I invite you to join me on this journey and dive into the magnificent world of barbering. But you might wonder “MR. RAZOR what do you offer us on this journey? Why would we join you?”
Dear friends, the answer is very simple: expect the unexpected! It is the shortest, the clearest and the most precise answer. MR. RAZOR is the other word for top-class barber, not only in Zadar or Dalmatia, but wider and I will try to get you closer to my world.
I have not managed to convince you to join me and be the part of history yet? If that is the case, the only thing I can do is give you a small sneak-peek of the blog’s content: advice and educational videos about beard care and hair care, stories about barbering history, your friend MR. RAZOR’s stories and lots of other things I am not able to tell you now.
Tickets for this journey are completely free and it is really easy to get them. Click the LINK to leave your personal information and I will deliver more details to your e-mail.
I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions. Take-off time will soon be revealed.
Best wishes,
Your friend MR. RAZOR